League Profile
Adult 40+ Eastern F 4.0
2015 40&Over Women (4.0)
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18 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 8
A - Chestnut Ridge, The De-Terminators 20 ----- ----- -----
A - Grand Slam, Shore Shots 22 ----- ----- -----
A - Club Fit Briarcliff, Hot Seats 23 ----- ----- -----
B - Sound Shore, Kick Aces 23 ----- ----- -----
B - Rye Racquet, Simply Smashing 20 ----- ----- -----
B - Concordia, No Strings 19 ----- ----- -----
A - Saw Mill, Net Positive 21 ----- ----- -----
A - Chestnut Ridge, Serves You Right 17 ----- ----- -----
B - New York Athletic Club 16 ----- ----- -----
B - Proform, Net Winners 24 ----- ----- -----
A - Solaris (Yorktown) 24 ----- ----- -----
B - Proform, Challengers 21 ----- ----- -----
A - Armonk Tennis Club 17 ----- ----- -----
A - Paramount Country Club, ParAMOURS 17 ----- ----- -----
B - Sportime Harbor Island 18 ----- ----- -----
A - Premier Athletic, Forti-tudes 19 ----- ----- -----
B - Cliff Street, Tennis Armada 21 ----- ----- -----
B - Delfino Park, T.I.A. 15 ----- ----- -----
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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