League Profile
Adult 55+ Southern F 4.0
2014 USTA 55 & over-Women-UPTA (4.0 Women)
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11 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 6
U55KP Keowee Key OMG's 11 ----- ----- -----
U55PP Thornblade Retro Ritas 14 ----- ----- -----
U55KT GCC 11 ----- ----- -----
U55FN Riverside Swingers 12 ----- ----- -----
U55SL Krocettes 9 ----- ----- -----
U55IH GTC Ladies 13 ----- ----- -----
U55AC Spindletree Stunners 9 ----- ----- -----
U55AW Sugar Creek Smashers 9 ----- ----- -----
U55BG Greenwood Gals 10 ----- ----- -----
U55JM Brookstone Zingers 8 ----- ----- -----
U55KJ Spindletree 7 ----- ----- -----
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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