League Profile
Mixed 18+ Eastern X 7.0
2014 18&Over Mixed - Queens (7.0 Mixed)
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11 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Court
Team 5: Huttner's 22 -----
Team 4: Reckler/Drange 19 -----
Metro: Ragione/Washington 19 -----
Team 11: Avila/Zaldivar 20 -----
Team 3: Ross/Buon 14 -----
Team 2: Spitz's 18 -----
Team 1: Ticol/Chiou 19 -----
Team 6: Dawson 20 -----
Team 7: Rowe/Bailey 19 -----
Team 8: Bartnik's 13 -----
Team 9: Rybacki/Tracy 14 -----
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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