League Profile
Adult 40+ So California M 4.0
2014 USTA Adult 40 & Over - OC (OC Men - 4.0 NF (3 dbls + 2 sngls))
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9 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 8
OC RCI - Truong - Sun 1:30 20 ----- ----- -----
OC Los Cab - Rorick Sat-Sun 1:00 13 ----- ----- -----
OC LLW LPC Irvine - Carlos 21 ----- ----- -----
OC Marguerite Tennis Pavilion - Cho - Sun 10:30 15 ----- ----- -----
OC Coto De Caza GR 4.0 Men - Kessla - Sun 11:30 16 ----- ----- -----
OC WE - LNRC - Ditri - Sat 10:30 17 ----- ----- -----
OC Coto Valley - Cotton - Sat 10:00 15 ----- ----- -----
OC Samurai Slicers LPC - Noto - Sun 1:00 13 ----- ----- -----
OC Grand Slam - Fullerton TC - Tom N. Sat 10 11 ----- ----- -----
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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