League Profile
Adult 55+ Mid-Atlantic F 7.0
2018 Richmond Adult 55 & Over Women's League (Richmond Adult 55 & Over 7.0 Women)
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15 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 6
Burkwood Hodges 13 3.34 3.13 3.24
Salisbury Lane 13 3.34 3.16 3.19
Randolph Macon Flowers 10 3.27 3.16 3.18
Three Chopt Martine 12 3.28 3.11 3.14
MAC Stephens Senioritas 16 3.40 3.12 3.14
Woodlake Cooksey 12 3.24 3.09 3.14
ACAC Young 13 3.21 3.09 3.13
Short Pump Ramsey 14 3.30 3.13 3.13
Westwood Towler 16 3.35 3.12 3.12
ACAC Lewicki 16 3.29 3.11 3.12
ACAC Neumann 16 3.26 3.10 3.10
Stonehenge Snavely 10 3.11 3.03 3.03
Willow Oaks - Kelley 15 3.24 3.02 3.02
Burkwood Abernathy 10 3.07 3.01 2.99
MTC- Rhodes 9 3.05 2.92 2.98
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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