League Profile
Adult 55+ Florida F 7.0
2022 Collier Adult 55 & Over Winter (Sub-Flight Y)
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18 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 6
COLLIER - Pelican Bay South - J. Howard 12 3.46 3.35 3.36
Marco YMCA - L.Keely 14 3.47 3.30 3.27
Players Club - Sheline 12 3.31 3.20 3.27
BAM - Vineyards - Kronen 14 3.42 3.25 3.24
Marco YMCA - K Lewis 12 3.36 3.17 3.24
Grey Hawk - M.Maggal 14 3.42 3.17 3.23
DoubleTrouble - Cambier - Trombley 17 3.38 3.20 3.22
Naples Grande - Ghilardi 14 3.34 3.18 3.21
Island Country Club - D. Bursch 14 3.42 3.20 3.20
Treviso Bay - Hamilton 14 3.29 3.18 3.19
Island Walk - Schmidt 13 3.29 3.13 3.17
Pelican Marsh - Bishop 12 3.27 3.11 3.16
Esplanade - L.Ricciuti 13 3.29 3.18 3.14
Bonita Bay - K North 18 3.27 3.11 3.14
Bay Colony - O'Meara 15 3.31 3.12 3.13
Mediterra - King 15 3.33 3.13 3.12
Village Walk Bonita - Prinz 15 3.25 3.07 3.10
Valencia Bonita - K gredinger 12 3.20 3.06 3.09
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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