Match History (2017) View Advanced Player Stats
John Moss (North Chesterfield, VA)
4.0 C
Estimated Dynamic Rating 3.5490 M
Projected Year End Rating ------
4.0 Rating Meter
Rating Meter
3.5001 - 4.0000
Match Date League Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match Rating
06/10/2017 Tournament
Brian McCarty Memorial Tennis Tournament 16 Christopher Wade
Kevin Long
Travis Miller
L 8-0 3.67 -----
06/10/2017 Tournament
Brian McCarty Memorial Tennis Tournament C-R1 Christopher Wade
Chris Brown
Tyler Crone
L 8-4 3.63 -----
03/18/2017 Tournament
Combo MX7.5d
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt) 16 Jennifer Cubitt
Linda Carter
Christopher Miller
L 8-2 S -----
03/18/2017 Tournament
Combo MX7.5d
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt) C-S Jennifer Cubitt
Linda Colbert
Jeffrey Raihall
L 8-4 3.42 -----
03/18/2017 Tournament
Combo MX7.5d
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt) C-R1 Jennifer Cubitt
Jean Davis
Thomas Wilson
W 8-2 3.68 -----
Brian McCarty Memorial Tennis Tournament
06/10/2017 16 Tournament
Christopher Wade (4.24) 8-0 Kevin Long (4.71)
Travis Miller (4.57)
Match: 3.67 Rating: -----
Brian McCarty Memorial Tennis Tournament
06/10/2017 C-R1 Tournament
Christopher Wade (4.24) 8-4 Chris Brown (3.95)
Tyler Crone (4.27)
Match: 3.63 Rating: -----
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt)
03/18/2017 16 Tournament
Combo MX7.5d
Jennifer Cubitt (3.04) 8-2 Linda Carter (-----)
Christopher Miller (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt)
03/18/2017 C-S Tournament
Combo MX7.5d
Jennifer Cubitt (3.04) 8-4 Linda Colbert (3.20)
Jeffrey Raihall (3.41)
Match: 3.42 Rating: -----
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt)
03/18/2017 C-R1 Tournament
Combo MX7.5d
Jennifer Cubitt (3.04) 8-2 Jean Davis (2.94)
Thomas Wilson (3.13)
Match: 3.68 Rating: -----
Match Player rating for individual match.
Rating Dynamic rating after completed match.
NC Match not yet calculated into rating.
S Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player.
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