Match History (2017) View Advanced Player Stats
Lauren Palmer (Midlothian, VA)
4.5 C
Estimated Dynamic Rating 4.3109
Projected Year End Rating ------
4.5 Rating Meter
Rating Meter
4.0001 - 4.5000
Match Date League Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match Rating
04/21/2017 Tournament
Combo MX9.0d
Mercedes Benz Greater Richmond Mixed Doubles Championships C-S neil perron
Stuart Fulcher
Karolyn Hall
L 8-5 S -----
04/20/2017 Tournament
Combo MX9.0d
Mercedes Benz Greater Richmond Mixed Doubles Championships 16 neil perron
Naveen Chennupati
Nathalia Esteves
L 8-3 S -----
04/20/2017 Tournament
Combo MX9.0d
Mercedes Benz Greater Richmond Mixed Doubles Championships C-R1 neil perron
Ralph Agpaoa
Christina Shifflett
W 8-5 S -----
03/18/2017 Tournament
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt) F Rob Kennedy
Sheela Damle
Logan Gruhl
L 8-6 S -----
03/18/2017 Tournament
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt) S Rob Kennedy
Patricia Denman
Stephen Woody
W 8-6 S -----
03/18/2017 Tournament
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt) Q Rob Kennedy
Kelley Schmidt
Albert Thomas
W 8-0 S -----
Mercedes Benz Greater Richmond Mixed Doubles Championships
04/21/2017 C-S Tournament
Combo MX9.0d
neil perron (-----) 8-5 Stuart Fulcher (3.97)
Karolyn Hall (4.65)
Match: S Rating: -----
Mercedes Benz Greater Richmond Mixed Doubles Championships
04/20/2017 16 Tournament
Combo MX9.0d
neil perron (-----) 8-3 Naveen Chennupati (4.36)
Nathalia Esteves (4.52)
Match: S Rating: -----
Mercedes Benz Greater Richmond Mixed Doubles Championships
04/20/2017 C-R1 Tournament
Combo MX9.0d
neil perron (-----) 8-5 Ralph Agpaoa (4.13)
Christina Shifflett (4.33)
Match: S Rating: -----
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt)
03/18/2017 F Tournament
Rob Kennedy (-----) 8-6 Sheela Damle (-----)
Logan Gruhl (4.42)
Match: S Rating: -----
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt)
03/18/2017 S Tournament
Rob Kennedy (-----) 8-6 Patricia Denman (4.23)
Stephen Woody (4.35)
Match: S Rating: -----
Certa Pro Painters Mixed Indoor Doubles Tournament (200 pt)
03/18/2017 Q Tournament
Rob Kennedy (-----) 8-0 Kelley Schmidt (3.77)
Albert Thomas (4.41)
Match: S Rating: -----
Match Player rating for individual match.
Rating Dynamic rating after completed match.
NC Match not yet calculated into rating.
S Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player.
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