Team Profile
Mixed Other Intermountain X 9.0
Waiver Mixed 55s (9.0 Waiver)
USTA Intermountain Mixed 55 9.0
Name Location NTRP Gender 2023
Laura Bailey Orem, UT 4.5 F 35-3 4.41
Tracey Valentine Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 F 29-13 4.26
Craig Zimmerman West Jordan, UT 4.5 M 9-10 4.18
JJ Harrison Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 M 7-4 4.17
Jane McQuade Ogden, UT 4.5 F 36-22 4.15
Patrice Duvernay Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 F 16-13 4.14
Ann Phillips SALT LAKE CITY, UT 4.5 F 13-12 4.09
Don Pettigrew Park City, UT 4.5 M 20-11 4.09
Steve Albert Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 M 6-6 4.08
Gregory Raifman PARK CITY, UT 4.5 M 0-5 3.49 M
Name Location NTRP Gender 2023
Laura Bailey Orem, UT 4.5 F 35-3 4.41
Tracey Valentine Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 F 29-13 4.26
Craig Zimmerman West Jordan, UT 4.5 M 9-10 4.18
JJ Harrison Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 M 7-4 4.17
Jane McQuade Ogden, UT 4.5 F 36-22 4.15
Patrice Duvernay Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 F 16-13 4.14
Ann Phillips SALT LAKE CITY, UT 4.5 F 13-12 4.09
Don Pettigrew Park City, UT 4.5 M 20-11 4.09
Steve Albert Salt Lake City, UT 4.5 M 6-6 4.08
Gregory Raifman PARK CITY, UT 4.5 M 0-5 3.49 M
Local Schedule Time Opponent Match Site Result
No schedule found.
National Schedule Time Opponent Match Site Result
03/22/2024 8:00 AM NE-REG-Neese Indian School Park Tennis Center 0-3
03/22/2024 3:00 PM CIN Indy Mixed 55&O 9.0, Poe Scottsdale Ranch Park Tennis Center 2-1
03/23/2024 8:00 AM SoCal/Scanlon/Mixed55&Over9.0 Indian School Park Tennis Center 0-3
03/23/2024 1:00 PM NWW-STC-Suver Scottsdale Ranch Park Tennis Center 1-2
Local Schedule Opponent
No schedule found.
National Schedule Opponent
03/22/2024 8:00 AM
Indian School Park Tennis Center
03/22/2024 3:00 PM
Scottsdale Ranch Park Tennis Center
CIN Indy Mixed 55&O 9.0, Poe
03/23/2024 8:00 AM
Indian School Park Tennis Center
03/23/2024 1:00 PM
Scottsdale Ranch Park Tennis Center
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